Digi/WETA Legs and FurCon Stuff

Jan 10, 2016 21:45

Oh hey! Was gathering things for the con, realized I still have a set of Digilegs (aka WETA Legs) stilts that I'd been looking to sell or trade. I'd rather not pack them speculatively...they're somewhat large and heavy...but if anyone's very genuinely interested in moving on these, I'll bring 'em.

Info and stuff at www.digilegs.com . These are the "taller" size (knee-to-ankle of 420-500 mm), with "small" calf (340-390 mm). I'm 6'0", 175#...these will not work on shorter and/or significantly heavier people.

New, the stilts are a bit over $1000 after shipping and import duty. These have a little use after having walked around the park a few times, so adjust accordingly. Taking serious offers (including trades toward other rarsuity commissiony stuff, etc.), send a note if interested. I'll be at FurCon, can deliver in person.


Sat. 5:00 to 6:30pm: Costume Electronics: The Very Basics
Marriott: Blossom Hill I/II/III (third floor meeting rooms)
(Introductory stuff for people who've never electronic'd before.)

Sun. 1:00 to 2:30pm: Rarsuit Show & Yell!
SJCC room 114 (lower floor, leftmost room near registration)
(Costuming panel/meet-n-greet/fun-n-games for MONSTERS!)

Sun. 5:00 to 6:30pm: More Costume Electronics: Light It Up!
Marriott: Blossom Hill I/II/III (third floor meeting rooms)
(Second electronics panel w/deeper focus on LEDs, EL wire, NeoPixels, etc.)
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