mythos_amante and I have this thing called "denial art supplies." It's all the materials and tools you buy with some great artsy craft project in mind, then never get around to...but then refuse to cast off because that would mean admitting failure. So we've gotten into this habit of periodically purging stuff, and after the initial bit of discomfort it
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Now.. given that, as far as I've ever been aware, you're not particularly inclined toward latex clothing (more's the pity), I can only, with some regret, conclude you're referring to the food.
Was it anywhere I should make a point of avoiding, or was it a home experiment which went awry?
and I'm really not doing much cooking these days
Aw, sorry to hear that.
For myself, I love cooking, whatever else is going on, however busy things are - it's a form of self-expression. I adore being able to start with a basic notion of what meat or fish I'd like to start with, and what vague kind of flavors I want to wind up with, then running with it from there. Much as I enjoy eating out, especially enjoying dishes that are perhaps too complex for me to achieve, or using particularly awkward ingredients, I derive great satisfaction from winding up with something tasty that's just what I wanted, as well as being nutritious and low calorie.
All the same, I sympathise that sometimes a day can leave one without much energy to get busy in the kitchen. FSM knows, back at the last gig, it wasn't unusual for me to either order pizza or a kebab (a good joint, too! Quite miss them =:), or toss something frozen I'd made earlier, into the microwave.
When I moved into Medford, one of the first things I did was embark on a Costco run.
I was going through multi-pound tins and other packages for months after. O.o; These days, I just keep a good little selection of vegetables in the fridge (currently some peas in pods, fractal cauliflower, chestnut mushrooms, leeks, delicious Vittoria tomatoes, asparagus, and black cabbage), some meat (mostly portions in the freezer, sometimes a bit fresh in the fridge), and a decent spread of dried herbs, plus a few good sauces and suchlike, notably oyster, chipotle paste, and balsamic vinegar. As things run out, I just pick up Stuff™ as I'm passing through town, often on the way back from rabbiteering in the evening. Generally just necessaries, but sometimes fun extras like truffle paste.=:9
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