May 18, 2004 10:45
Grades turned out like so:
GEO: D ACC: C Math: C+ ISOM: B ECON: C- Bus: C GPA: 1.9 for the semester and a 2.3 Overall...........sux
But this is the first week of summer and i have already worked two shifts at Harris Teeter, that is such a worthless excuse for a summer job.....nothing ever changes there.
And i miss laura so much and its only been since like Thurs. and its only Tuesday now....but luckily i get to see her again on Thursday and Friday so I'll be all good.......i miss ya........<3
I signed up for my COM 105 today at UNCW and it starts on thurs. and i have it Mon-Thurs for the next month starting this Thurs.
I also found this pretty good christian/Rock band called Thousand Foot Krutch....really good bad....kinda rap rockish, but with out the sound of it....its weird if you want a song to listen to download New Design its a good one.....or RawkFist
I just figured i'd give you all some kind of update from me since i haven't really had a chance to write in here lately....hope everybody is enjoying there summer and let me know whats going on cause im up for some travel if i can make it......!@!