Mar 23, 2009 22:04
1. western is too far >_> why does it have to take almost 3 hours to get there...
2. why is my friend so popular and goes out all the time? =p she gets invited to all these places (and i don't really know her friends that well so meh). makes me feel insecure for some reason and wish i knew her friends better. then i realize i have my own friends duh so that insecurity was unjustified lol. then i realize that obviously she wouldn't know my friends so obviously i wouldn't invite her to events that my friends are doing.... haha the annoyances of the human mind...
3. i realize one of my friends is the biggest pain in the ass i've ever had the pleasure (not) of befriending. he starts drifting away from our group of friends and goes hang out with others, because they're probably more fun and they do stuff more often. AND its full of girls... and HE IS SEXIST as hell. i've never felt so bluntly left out before. i would think that within our group of friends, everyone would treat everyone almost equally but no. he would always prioritize the girls first. the thing that pisses me off, is to hear about something he planned through someone else. "he invited us to carve his pumpkin" "really? i haven't heard about that..." or "oh he invited me to go sing k cuz he was uptown" "uhhh he didn't invite me..." "oh..." among other things he neglected to tell me. well SORRY for being a guy!! i can't believe i tried to hang on to our friendship even though he almost completely stopped talking to me. i still tried to keep talking to him even though he wouldn't talk to me. and i actually went over and spent 2 hours talking about stuff, this matter included. so we talked about this sexist thing, and he hasn't changed. at all. hasn't made any improvement, even though i told him that i felt left out and everything. so what should i do? i don't know. thoughts and complaints are always welcome... >_>;