Name: Nicole
Age: 20
Movies, music:
Season: Autumn
Place to be: Seaside, Oregon
Color: Green
Are you popular?: Yes, but not in the sense that OOH, EVERYONE LOVES ME! I have a lot of friends that I love, and to me, that makes someone popular...not being in the "cool crowd" or whatever.
Do you have a strong personality?: Yes
Are you traditional? No
5 positive words about yourself: Funny, kind, open-minded, genuine, romantic
5 negative words about yourself: Impatient, quick-tempered, lazy, stubborn, jealous
What is your favorite food? Sushi!
What are some foods that you loathe? Onions, mushrooms, olives, black licorice, peppers, tarragon, mustard, nuts in anything but desserts...
Sweet or savory? Sweet
What is your least favorite cookie? Do you even eat cookies? Oatmeal raisin cookies...I'll eat them but they're definitely my least favorite. And YES I eat cookies! :)