Name: Yingyu
Age: 16
All time #1 favorite movie: The Indiana Jones series! It's so action-packed, yet amusing at the same time. X33
Animated Movie: Toy Story 3. (: It made me both laugh & cry.
Music: Trance, Pop, Rock, Jazz, Techno
Season: Winter. It's cold but pretty. :3
Place to be: Hmm, Singapore?
Color: White & Purple!
Vegetable: Brocolli. I KNOW I'M WEIRD. 8D
Yes or No:
Do you like cold weather: No.
Are you healthy: Not really.
Are you different and unique: I say both! Heh.
Are you a pessimist: Nope, I'm an realist ~
About You In General
5 positive words about yourself: Loyal, Calm, Protective, Blunt, Random
5 negative words about yourself: Sarcastic, Perfectionist, Introvert, Clumsy, Weird and crazy at times.
What are your hobbies and talents?: Reading manga, Videogaming, Listening to music, Collecting random stuffs, Photoshopping
What is your favorite food?: Anything spicy or sour. But generally I like Chinese food, Ramen and Shiitake mushroom!
What are some foods that make you gag?: Liver, Sweet stuffs, Cakes, anything with tentacles on it.
What is your favorite type of cuisine (Italian, Chinese, etc.): Chinese and Japanese!
Least favorite fruit: Kiwi
Voted on all app! (: