Just posted a round-up of 8 recipes that are perfect for the 4th of July!
If you're making burgers this Independence Day, PLEASE check out these Old-Fashioned Burger Stand Burgers. There are just a few tricks to making them truly fantastic -- one of which is grinding your own meat and NOT packing it down. Don't worry, all you need is your freezer and a food processor -- no fancy equipment :) The burger post also includes those cute fry-pouch and checked tray printables.
What are your plans for Independence Day? Or for those of you who aren't American, any fun meals coming up for you?
Old-fashioned Burger Stand Burgers with Easy Fries (and cute pouch/tray printables!)
Old-fashioned Burger Stand Burgers with Easy Fries (and cute pouch/tray printables!)
Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles
Itsy Bitsy Berry Cream Pies
Deconstructed Pizza Bites
Pretzel Dogs
Red Berry Pie To see the rest of the 4th of July recipe suggestions (sparkling strawberry and raspberry lemonade), head over to
Willow Bird Baking! I also just posted a super easy, cheap, and cute
homemade pennant banner that would be cute in red, white, and blue!
x-posted to food_porn, picturing_food