To recap: I'm a pastry chef student at a culinary school in Toronto, Canada. I make gud things ta eats.
This week was a triple-header; bagels and croissants and danishes (oh my!). Sadly, I was too busy to take pics of the danishes (boo!), but I did bring home some of the croissants and bagels, and managed to take a picture or two in between my boyfriend's copious drooling and gimmegimmegimme.
I did not, unfortunately, have the opportunity to take photos of the glorious cheese croissants I made, but I valued my fingers too much to try and interpose them between the cheesy goodness and the Boy's ravening maw.... ;oD
We have mutually agreed that "Croissant Day" is a Good Day.
Plain Croissants - got 20/20 on these beautiful little suckers.
Chocolate Croissants - same with these. And they're tasty too!
Bagels with sesame Seeds and Poppy Seeds. They used to be more thickly coated, but the seeds kinda rubbed off due to the sheer quantity of bagels I stuffed in the paper sack. Hey, they're tough, they can take the abuse!
Again, sorry for no pics of the fabulous danishes I made today (*weeps*)...also not pictured are some pretty almond croissants; they're not my faves, so I didn't buy any nor take any pics of them. I'm trying to remember to bring my cellphone camera into class with me, but when you're going mach 3 with your hair on fire (not literally -- that would be classified as a Bad Day) and your Chef is indulging in frequent "yelly" moments to "movemovemove!what's your job?what's your job?!?gogogodosomethinganythingrightnownownow!", sometimes it's hard to remember to whip out the ol' camera and snap off a few, yanno?
Otherwise, an all around Good Day, dontcha think?