Back at home, there's a local chain of grocery stores that has the most absolutely delicious chip dip ever, called "Mexicana Dip." When I lived at home I never thought about what might go into this dip (the ingredients listed a whole bunch of crazy technical things) because it was always at the store down the street whenever I wanted some, and life was good.
Now, however, I'm living three hours away from home, so getting this delightful dip from the local store is impossible. Sadness all around.
But the last time I was home I did pick some up and, low and behold, they had started listing the ingredients in simple, easy to understand terms: salsa, cream cheese and some preservatives.
That I can make.
8 oz (1 box) of Fat Free cream cheese
1/2 cup (ish) of salsa (I used Pace because it's what's in my house, but your favorite salsa will do fine. I wish I stil had some of my mom's homemade salsa from this summer!)
1/2 tablespoon of sour cream (not listed in the original, but I think it adds a little something).
Put all ingredients in a blender and blend for about 10 seconds. The dip should be slightly thick (you'll probably break your chips in it). If it's too thick, add a bit more salsa.
Makes two large servings (perfect for two people sitting on the couch on a Sunday night, recovering from exam stress!). Enjoy with tortilla chips (I recommend Tostitos with a hint of Lime).