Admin: Cardamom, Cardadad, Card the whole damn family.

Jun 01, 2006 13:38

The poll is officially closed and the winner is Cardamom!

Cardamom comes from the seeds of a ginger-like plant. The small, brown-black sticky seeds are contained in a pod in three double rows with about six seeds in each row. The pods are between 5-20 mm (1/4”-3/4”) long, the larger variety known as ‘black’, being brown and the smaller being green. White-bleached pods are also available. The pods are roughly triangular in cross section and oval or oblate. Their dried surface is rough and furrowed, the large ‘blacks’ having deep wrinkles. The texture of the pod is that of tough paper. Pods are available whole or split and the seeds are sold loose or ground. It is best to buy the whole pods as ground cardamom quickly loses flavor.

Traditional Ethnic Uses
In India Cardamom is traditionally used in curry blends, and in Scandinavian countries it is commonly added to breads; however, most of the world's Cardamom crop is used in Arabic countries as a flavoring for coffee.

A Few Ideas to Get You Started
A small amount of Cardamom will add a tempting flavor to coffee cake, Danish pastry, specialty breads, and apple pie. Try Cardamom the Arabic way and add a little to your ground coffee before brewing, then sweeten and top with cream.

Some reminders for discussion. Please tag all posts with the word 'cardamom'. All question posts should be tagged 'question', all recipe posts should be tagged 'recipe' and all tips and tricks should be labeled 'tips and tricks'.

PLEASE NOTE: I will be a bit more hard to reach for the next week. So play nice and play often. Thanks and have fun! I imagine the first few ingredients will be a bit of a "see what works". Please feel free to offer suggestions directly to or as a comment to any admin post.

cardamom, admin, tips and tricks

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