Mar 01, 2009 21:37

so as I'm in the shower, I had an idea... ya I know right?! spencer moment! lol anyway it might not be a spencer moment, and it might be a bad idea, and just a result of being overly stressed about a geography project I have due tomorrow :P

so anyway, here's the idea:

I don't know if any of you guys go on twitube, but if you do, you know the spidermonkeymafia? you know how they have a youtube channel with someone on there everyday posting stuff? like they have a monday person, a tuesday person, ect. why don't we do that?

I haven't been on here that long, so sorry if I'm comming accross as an annoying person that's trying to take over. I've been that way before, and I'm trying to stop XD

I just think that if we're an icarly fandom, we should be somewhat icarly-ish.... ok that's not really the reason, I just think it would be fun :P but you have to admit it's a valid point..... ok it isn't but WHATEVER!! lol

so would any of you guys think of doing this? I think it would be so much fun! ya I already said that.... lol please comment to stop me from rambling! :P

oh and just so you know I was thinking the purpose for this would be just for fun really- mainly because I think my friends are about to disown me because of how much I talk about icarly :P we could do challanges that we can't do just on groovysmoothie, like using house hold items and stuff like that- it's kinda hard to do that just on groovysmoothie. not that groovysmoothie isn't awesome and I would totally live there, but I still think it could be fun :P

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