#570 Die/Toshiya loving

Aug 11, 2010 23:24

I think everyone knows how much I adore T/D in all of its forms. Today, I've been browsing through weheartit.com and so many pictures made me stop and stare at them. I'm so inspired it hurts *laughs* but I don't manage to write anything. I thought that I can at least share the inspiration with you :)

So, prompt pictures under the cut (I think I'll post this to diextoshiyalove later too) and although for me they scream D/T, they might bring something completely different to your mind. I hope it inspires at least someone.

BUT A WARNING! Some of the pictures are not completely work safe. So if you're offended by nudity, don't click on the cut. There's some massive cuteness too, though *laughs*

First some innocent cardboardlove. I love the thought of Toshiya as someone who writes little notes and leaves them for Die to find at the best of moments. And every time Die finds one of those, it absolutely makes his day. Sometimes, who knows, he returns the favor.

I love this.

Definitely Toshiya.

Again Toshiya, fantasizing of Die's nonexistent butt 8D

This would be Die ;)

This is Toshiya *laughs* Die was too slow in closing his eyes XD

I bet Toshiya loves baking *whistles*

Some happy casual pictures :)

Playfulness. That is so essential for D/T.

Sleepiness! I love these evening or morning moments in bed.

Some sex? 8D

*laughs* I don't like how they look (skin and bones and all) but somehow this made me laugh and think of the two XD

Hot baths together! These two love them. Enjoy the casual togetherness.

*laughs* Just to clarify, I don't necessarily think that all the guys in the entry are awesomely hot. I just think that something in the pictures was either intense or somehow reminded me of D/T.

And in the end, this made me laugh:

...do I need to be worried since I didn't see the dancing people before I read the text? 8D

love, die/toshiya, pictures, writing, happy, prompts

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