Над озером Эри пронеслась буря, она подняла такие волны, что брызги налипли на прибрежные дома в городе Гамбург и превратились в толстый слой льда.
Озеро Эри, одиннадцатое по величине озеро мира.
Лёд закрыл окна непрозрачной пеленой, сковал двери, вылепил причудливые сосульки. Теперь уже он начал таять, но многие опасаются, что тяжесть тающего на крышах снега может повредить дома.
It looks unreal. But it is real all right. The houses are covered in several feet of ice. It is dark inside the houses, for the ice is thick. There was no ice in the yards or on the houses on Thursday but by Friday morning the houses were completely covered in ice. It all happened after a storm which lasted for 48 hours. Strong winds created big waves.
close dialog And the waves sprayed water from Lake Erie onto the shore, onto the house and the yards. The temperature was below zero, this is why the water froze onto the houses and formed dramatic icicles. Many residents were left in the dark as the ice covered windows. Some residents had to break themselves out of frozen doors. The neighbourhood has seen ice coatings before, but it has never been this bad. Residents are worried that it could cause structural damage to their homes. "We're worried about our houses when it starts to melt, because of the weight on the roof," a resident said.