Aug 01, 2019 13:30

Мальчик 3-х лет упал с балкона в Китае, но выжил - ребёнка подхватили в растянутое одеяло.
Малыш каким-то образом оказался за ограждением балкона, он пытался вскарабкаться назад на балкон, но ножки соскользнули и он полетел вниз. Собравшаяся толпа бросилась его подхватить на растянутое одеяло. Кто-то обдумывал даже, как поймать ребёнка в руки, но это не сработало бы, конечно. Мысль была одна - как спасти ребёнка. Малыша поймали на одеяло и кто-то из соседей отнёс его в больницу. По счастью, малыш не пострадал.

A 3-year-old boy who fell from the sixth floor of a building in China was saved when the crowd below caught him with a blanket.
Video footage shows the child hanging off the balcony. He tries climbing back up, but his feet slip and he is left holding onto the edge.

[READ MORE]As a crowd forms, several people rush forward with a blanket.
"I looked up and saw a little child was hanging up there. My first reaction was to find something to catch him. I thought about catching him with my bare hands, but that would not have worked," an onlooker said.
"I held out the blanket along with others, all the while keeping my eyes on the child. I looked at the blanket wondering whether we could catch him safely. My only thought was to keep him safe."
A group of people stood in a circle, holding the blanket and watching the boy. He then fell and he was caught safely.
"I was there at the moment and helped hold out the blanket. Ten seconds later, the boy fell. It all happened so fast."
A neighbor took the boy to the hospital, but he was uninjured.


to fall [fɔːl] (fell [fel] - fallen ['fɔːlən]) - падать
to catch [kæʧ] (caught [kɔːt] - caught) - ловить


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