Во время визита в США в апреле 2018 года президент Франции Эммануэль Макрон подарил Дональду Трампу молодой дуб. Его выкопали в лесу на севере Франции, где во время Первой мировой войны в битве с германской армией погибло почти 2 000 американских солдат.
Макрон и Трамп совместно сажают деревце в парке при Белом доме. (Обратите внимание на позолоченные лопаты). Фотография обошла все социальные сети.
Но как только фотокорреспонденты удалились, дуб выкопали и поместили в карантин. Это обычная мера предосторожности при ввозе растений в США, она принимается для предотвращения распространения болезней и насекомых-вредителей.
И вот буквально вчера стало известно: деревце, символизировавшее французско-американскую дружбу, погибло.
[READ MORE] The Tree Symbolizing "Friendship" Between Trump And Macron Has Died Last April, Emmanuel Macron gave a present to Donald Trump: an oak tree which was ceremoniously planted in the manicured lawns of the White House by both leaders. The photo of the two presidents digging away dirt promptly went viral and symbolized the friendship shown by the two leaders. It was a symbolic gesture: the tree came from Belleau Wood, north-east of Paris, the location of a battle in which 1,811 Americans died in June 1918 during the first world war. Since then, Trump's relations with Europe have soured and so has his friendship with Macron - and the tree did not survive. Which is ironic. Once the cameras had gone, the tree was uprooted and taken to the quarantine to avoid the spread of non-native diseases and invasive insects. “It is a quarantine which is mandatory for any living organism imported into the US,” Gerard Araud, then the French ambassador to America, wrote on Twitter, adding that it would be replanted later. But it was never replanted: the tree died during its quarantine. Just like the Macron-Trump “friendship”, it is no more.