Fresh Starts

Jan 03, 2011 12:16

I've been feeling bad pretty much since Jasper was born (maybe even before) that I didn't document it all better. I have notes here and there, and FB posts, and a few journal entries, but then my web server died and it wasn't really priority 1 with an infant in the house.  We took a bajillion pictures, but I'd have to go back through them and the things I wrote and posted to know, for example, when his first steps really were.  Not that it really matters in the grand scheme of things. But I was a journaler! I wrote all the time (in my head -- in reality I kept my online journal really well for about 4 years and it got pretty sporadic after that.). I should be able to keep up and write about my kid, who is the giant focus of my life right now. And yet...

I decided for New Year's this year, I would forgive myself for it.  I can regret it, but I don't have to spend the rest of my life feeling bad that I didn't scrapbook his every glowing moment. He's growing up just fine, we have terrific pictures, and if he ever needs to know the exact day he got his first tooth, I can find the information somewhere. Odds are, he'll never even ask.  So I let go of all of it.

And then I decided that I'd start a blog just for Jasper's pictures and anecdotes. I do like to post to Facebook pretty regularly for the grandparents, and this is a nice way to keep a chronological record of what he's doing this year. It's sort of a 365 project, I suppose, as I am aiming for a picture/video/short note or story every day.  And then maybe I can use my LJ to talk about other life stuff, not just what I am doing with my kid. Even though he is a pretty awesome kid, no one wants to hear about it every day. Except, like I said, the grandparents, who thank god do not read me here.

So Jasper's blog is at  Ma-MAY-mee is how he says Amazing, and he likes to bust it out at funny yet appropriate intervals, so I thought it (with some edits to make it slightly more intelligible) was an appropriate name for the amazing stuff he is doing.

I also have started a new blog for health and fitness talk. I'm starting a big push to lose weight before I try to get pregnant again, and if there is anything more boring than someone talking about their kid all day, it's talking about their diet all day. So I am moving that somewhere else, too, with a goal of writing every week day about, variously, what I am eating and doing with my body and how I feel about whatever it is that I've been eating and doing.  Probably a lot about feelings and my relationship with food, which is a complicated and addictive one.

That blog is at  It's called Moving Toward Values, because I think progress is a better goal than perfection. I'm still working on becoming a better person, physically and emotionally and in my relationships. I think you never really stop working on that stuff; you just keep moving toward the ideal values that you believe in.
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