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Jul 31, 2008 20:58

Luke really wasn't kidding about this place, was he? It really isn't all that bad, once you get settled in anyway. The people here are mostly nice, there's no war or fighting to worry about... And all of those machines... "Mecha", I think those pilot people called them? I just have to get my hands on one! I've never seen anything quite like them before. It's not fontech, but wow.

And man, this has got to have one of the best views I've seen anywhere in a long long time... It feels like forever since I've seen a sunset like that one. I wonder why we never stopped on a beach when we had some free time back in Auldrant? Oh well, no use thinking about that now.

... Speaking of views, look at that. Man, what a woman... I wonder where she's from... They definetely don't make 'em like that back ho-- ... o-oh, hi there! You uh, saw me, huh? Well, it's nice to meet you! My name's Guy, and-- N-No, I wasn't looking for trouble! Hey, lady, honest, I wasn't!! So no need to get too close there, hahaha...! This just a big... misunder... standing?

... ... ...

L-Luke!! Anise!!! Somebody, no, anybody!!! Anyone at all!!!! I NEED SOME HEL-- AAAAAAAGH!!
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