Heya and Seeya

Aug 08, 2012 22:15

Sooo. First off hi!

Been a long time. Which, basically my attention has been split. Which has made me realise that since I'm not even in any fandoms at all, and I've shifted to Plurk for most of the things I do, I think it's time I say good bye to this journal for the time being. I wasn't the most prevalient poster in the world, and I am not closing this and purging it but, for the time being it really serves no purpose.

And mostly I want to tell you all that I've adored all the times we've talked! And that I would very much like to keep in contact with you if you like. Though through here is mostly useless. However if you want there are some other places you can get ahold of me.

Aim: LysandraBerenice
My Plurk

I'd love to still talk if you want too, and if you don't well, ah we had a good run of it anyway? Much obliged, and you are all lovely and I hope you continue with the analysing and shipping and glorious mess that you always have been.

Most loving regards,
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