Shit I just don't care about any more:

Jan 04, 2012 18:59

1. People telling me I study something obsolete. Sure, history isn't every bodies cup of tea. They were cursed to get un-awesome teachers, because I will never get sick of dirty men and women spilling dirty blood and making some beautiful out of it.

2. Lj-ers wanking about how much they hate the new lj. I'm an rp-er, and yeah its a bit annoying to adjust, but its as annoying as when FB updates and every dickhead whines for a week about how they want the old FB back. I know the dude that runs this website is a bit of a tosser, but you know. So is everyone else. If it bothers you, off to DW you go and leave with the grace of a quiet death, please. This is not the last throws of a battle field where you have to scream and thrash and make your name last forever in the halls of the Internet.

3. The fact I can't find a TV show that measures up to HBO's Rome. *SOB*

4. That I never have anything to say here any more. I feel like I am talking to a blank wall that just scrolls on bye. Though, I'll quit wangsty enough to admit that will probably be because I never say anything interesting to start with.

4.1. 5. I am sick of trying to sound smart. I'm not. I'm a walking, talking text book. I just have the novelty that my subject matter never changes, only expands. Julius Caesar will have always crossed the Rubicon. He will always get stabbed, and one of the dudes who did the stabbing was Brutus. I have realised that examining gender roles bore me in literature. Ideology does not. The examining of symbols and their changing nature makes me coo and squeal like a baby with keys in its face, of ever chaotic philosophy.

4.2. 6. I will write my giant rant about Pein and modern politics and by god I will not be scared of what people say of it. A latter extension of this, I will try to having opinions that I won't back pedal when someone disagrees with.

7. I will not have codeine several hours before I drink for cramps, and then drink and think it won't affect it. It ends badly. Like I turn into a crazy person idiot. Dancing and crashing into walls, Dionysus would be proud even if I didn't cover my self in blood, but by god I touched the divine with crazy Buddhist mind tricks of rushing adrenaline and it was awesome. I do however, seem like a crazy person that is not allowed near alcohol. 8|

and 8. It's the new year, I have no resolution but to live, and damn it all, live well. Anthea I think, will be proud of that. 

le sigh, rant, lolwhut, :3, ramble

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