
Jun 25, 2011 14:21

The awkward moment when the happiest thing you've done all week is rp. And that your rp character made his first friend. That is I rp'd Gaara and he is now BFFL with Sai, and they sit around and awkwardly not understand people at all, ever. He also gets blind drunk with Shikamaru, and thus far has made out with Sasuke and Ino.

That should hint as to how uneventful my life has been thus far. :D Alternately, I ran home because I did something stupid and needed to lick my wounds and re-affirm some things.

Also, I have started up a separate dA page for my modelling/cosplay/costuming, as opposed to the one with all my fanart, etc, etc. :D To be found here:

Lily RexCome love me if you have a dA~

le sigh, hurm, ramble, rambling

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