5 Question Meme

Mar 24, 2011 15:46

 1. What's the farthest you've ever traveled? What's the farthest you'd like to travel?

The farthest I've traveled is Europe/North Africa, they're about the same distance (14 hours via plane). And I'd like to travel that far again. Being the history nerd that I am, those areas hold the most interest to me, (I'd really like to go back to Tunisia, hrrrrn Carthage <3 and I wish the rest of those countries were so unstable, the ruins there! So amazingeh). I'd like to see America too, its about the same. Well... I guess this means I travel pretty widely...? Will probably continue to do so. As it is, my 2012 plans are to go back to China, but this time further north, Shanghai and such.

2. What was your first fandom and are you still involved in it?

My first fandom was Harry Potter... and no, I'm not. I just, erg, I don't know why. Harry Potter is amazing, but, I don't know... it stopped being interesting to me? I have no fic pangs for it, nothing. The only thing I shipped in it was Draco/Hermione, and most of it wasn't all that good... so yeah. Nothing else interested me.

On that note, Tom Felton is coming to Brisnova, FREAK THE FUCK OUT WITH JOY.

3. Discuss your thoughts/experiences on feminism.

My view of feminism is... complicated. Not that I am not a feminist, but ... I read too much. Things are getting blurred, but I know, that we all die, and no one can act better or worse then another, all our blood is red. Sexism, Racism, Suppression of sexuality, it all comes down to that bottom line to me, people thinking that a difference means lesser, and ignoring our own mortality as the general equalizer. I know that I am proud to have ovaries, I am strong because of them, not in spite of them (because pfffft, women have a stronger pain tolerance then men, and I'd believe it the way I see some guys whimper sometimes). I hate the train of thought, "real women don't wear dresses", because thats gender stereotyping just as badly, I've ranted about that once before, when I was attacked over my perchance for wearing really girly things sometimes. I have come to terms with the fact physically I am weak, so I will always seek a people who compliment my flaws, as much as I can compliment theres, (and if anyone sees this as weak, that I know my flaws and move past... I will over come that particular weakness and gut them). I get that, I accept that, and know that I am strong in other ways, I've faced down death more times then I'd like to think about, just like every other man and woman and that makes me equal to them.

... That's more or less my views at this point in time.

4. Where does your username come from?

fonsetorigo = Fons Et Origo. It's a latin phrase that means "the spring and the source" or "the beginning of the start"

5. Do you read more fanfiction than you write? Does the same fandom dominate both categories?

I read and write Naruto pretty equally. I'm not really in any other fandoms. But I read more for Harry Potter, like wise for Tamora Pierce. 

meme, spamage, arrrr!, ramble

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