So, f-list, I am a terrible flirt.
I mean, as I pointed out with
redbrunja at one point, I am really really really affectionate with uhm... for lack of a better term, my 'Pack'. But I do not display that kind of affection to anyone, just a few people that are close to me. There is nothing sexual in it, except one or two cases.
But those few aside, I really do enjoy a good innuendo. I like spinning my words. I am probably not the best at it, but I never seek to insult anyone. I like to engage and be engaged with words. I don't see it as any great crime, never have never will. But apparently... a lot of my more unconscious things I do unnerve people. I am never hesitant to meet someones eye, and as per this thing, I'm an ENFP, and I am pretty good at reading people when I am bothered to. (which isn't all the time, sometimes I really can't summon a inch of empathy...)
But because of this... people tend to think I am leading them on. Which, you know, I get, been in their place before and all that. It is why I never act upon any such inclinations until they other person gives me the clear go ahead. That being said, I'll speak clearly when I want something from someone.
I got told off for being a tease the other day. Not like like "Lily, u so flirty" but the person went close enough to calling me a whore.
That's not very new either, I get it often enough when I go out in my corsets and such. It's usually next to shouts of freak and how much I charge for a lap dance. :/
But... seriously, how does the way I open my mouth have anything to do with who I open my legs to? Its probably because I was just being myself with her boyfriend, I was being *friendly*, seriously. I am not attracted to him at all, but she cares for him, so I was being nice. I didn't even touch the fucking guy. I just made my usual turn of something and bam she tells me off for being a skank, basically. I replied that what her relationship like that she was so insecure by me, whom her boyfriend was just talking it. She shut up. I left her alone.
It's just annoying, but why should I change one of my simpler joys. It's not like I asked the dude into my bed, or whatever. I just made a passing comment about my... past exploits. Apparently, you can't be so open.