I just really wanted to write in my new layout that I found at
premade_ljs Is pretty isnt it~? I hate the normal lj layouts they are just so ugly so when I found that you could get premade AWESOME ones I damned near squealed in happiness.
Thats enough of that.
I dont know whats wrong with me, I cant write a single thing for hardwire... this is getting serious, I need nailpolish. -.- Baaaaaaah. Its Deidara, I know it is, I am so freaked out about messing with his character. What if its not in character?! -gnaws on Gaara in frustration- I mean I know the whole thing is just a giant Sakura decent into madness character study, but BLAH. >< Actually scratch that, the whole fic is a giant MINDFUCK. Psssssssssh. But it has to be done right. Otherwise whatever credablity I have me goes BYEBYE.
There is a couple of PeinKonan shots coming (SO totally certain someones fault, yeah she knows who she
is... on that note. GOREADHERSTUFF) :P But then, I begged. Anyways till this, this is a little PeinKonan drabble thing I scronged (ohjah thats a word now...) up because my own plunnies tried to gnaw my head off. Two totally pointless thing revolving around Konan sleeping and Pein being... stalkerish watchful. Lets just ignore the plotholes, shall we?
Oh and this is also spawned now that I have found my album for the two of 'em. Minutes to Midnight by Linkin Park. Its a mix of social action songs AND 'please admire me, please dont leave me, please make me better' -- esq love songs~ Particularly 'The Little Things Give You Away' and 'Leave Out All The Rest'... and we all know how much I love BOTH those type of things ^.^ :3
All you wanted was someone to truly look up to you~
That's Pein for SO many reason it ISNT funny >.>;; (or at least my perception of him, because he is just a giant self delusion as I mentioned in my conversation with person above and I get the need to be deluding of self becuase if you actually had to know yourself truly you'd kill yourself in a minute.)
Title: Moonlight & All The Angel's in Heaven.
Pairing: Pein/Konan
Notes: bleh, one is longer then the other, both angsty I suppose, both from Pein's in perspective.
Konan had a tendancey to fold herself around things in her sleep, had he come back from a mission or some official business late, he'd find her twisted around the sheets, perhaps her pillow under a leg, arms cling around his pillow, blankets twisted like a crumpled piece of her finest paper.
He'd go to her side then, trace a finger across her cheek, lean closer and brush his lips over her jaw. She twitch then, she was ninja. Then he'd begin to move her, pulling the blankets from her body, then the pillows, he'd straighten out her legs, then pull her arms by her body, palms facing up.
When he felt her settle again from the half state was awareness she would of risen into, then he'd move over her. He'd get so jealous of those sheets, he wanted to wrap around her, and in turn be wrapped around. His knees by her hips, leaning on his forearms by her head, and the he'd wait.
Her breath would rise and fall, stale from sleep, hitting his face, and he'd wait.
He'd just... wait.
It'd start slow, her toes would twitch first, then her hips and waist, followed by her shoulders. Her head would turn then, eyes blinking, slowly, slowly... and he'd just wait.
She'd look up at him, blinking faster now, trying to hold onto that place between awake and asleep. She'd go to say something, but he'd rest his wait carefully and brush his hold hand over her whole face and she'd nod then. Her head would drop back and he'd be in her dreams somewhere.
He'd brush his lips past hers and then against her piercing, roll away from her without disturbing her.
All the Angel's in Heaven.
When he'd slip away from her at night, she'd roll away from him, towards the moon and the sky and those pretty pretty stars. When he slipped back beside her, he'd run a hand over her shoulder, watch the hand that had fallen off the side of the bed, like it was reaching out, and he'd remember her flying so high, wings spread wide, a silhouette in the sun, glorified as the Angel of God.
Then he'd grab her tightly around the waist, pull her tight and bury his face in her neck.
Heaven called, but God's battle was here and now.
God couldn't let his only Angel fly away.
ciao bella,