Agent Rhode Island [Profile]/ The story of a girl with excess lust.

Oct 08, 2010 21:23

Note: Uhhhh, I really wanted to make this, I don't know why. Agent Rhode Island is now a happy little pet of mine. I might write her a short little... something. Also this is equal parts long and depressing.

Setting: Out of My Mind/Recovery One/Reconstruction

Name: Nuri MacLaine

Age: 28

Alias: Agent Rhode Island

Nationality: Formally her birth is registered in Belarus, but she only remembers living there once when she was very little, her Father was a Scotsman (she has his last name). Though from her accent, people usually pick her as somewhere in Russia, but her Mother's Gypsy lifestyle means that Rhode doesn't even know, despite being fluent in Russian and English. 

Appearance: Brown hair, curly that she frequently cuts short with whatever is available, never getting past her shoulders. If she is unable to cut it, she ties it back with a bandanna. Olive skin, dark brown eyes. Mid-height. Would describe herself as "curvy" if she'd ever bothered to care that much, never having been on the skinny side, but these days, thats mostly muscle.

Personality: Rhode takes things pretty easy, in part because of the her habit to separate herself out from her emotions as well as a general dislike for heavy emotional situations. A watcher. Likes giving orders rather then taking them, especially when she thinks that hers would be better. Doesn't speak until needs to. After the intergration of Lambda, she hates to be sit around unoccupied and tends to be highly creative in her spare time. Became very picky about who she lets in her personal space and developed a sharper temper brought on by her AI. Her solid calm is as most things a curse and a gift, but in the end stopped her from going insane and depraved with her AIs personality. She tends to take her debts to others seriously and usually cannot stand to be in someones, not stopping until it is repaid. Tries to steer clear of alcohol or any other mood influencing things, as her grip on herself is one of the most important things she has anymore, both because of the AI and because of her position at Project Freelancer. Likes to dance, but she’d have to get drunk first.

Freelancer Story: She signed up to the army after her 25th birthday, where she showed greatest strength was in developing battle strategies, that when enabled were nearly always effective. After she finished her basic, she was offered a position with Freelancer, which she was at first hesitant to take because she knew her skill lay in command, not in solitary work. But reassured that she would be able to command squads in Freelancer as she would anywhere else and the promise that they would have something to make her more effective at battle planning and tactics, she accepted the offer.

Specialization: Battle Strategies and Tactics, developed from a young age by her mothers constant travelling, she helped her plan the routes that they would take between countries as well as planning escape plans for her and her siblings when the social workers would try and take them.

Armour: Mark 6. A Salmon Pink with Black secondary.

Armour Enhancements: Agent Rhode’s talent was in tatic and stragey, so the normal AI Enhancements were not ideal for her. Instead she was equipped with a database of maps and map re-creation doubled with heat sensoring over large areas (though the larger area she covers, the less accurate it becomes). Allowing her to create holographic maps with exact placements or suspected placements of enemies and squads, as well as the surrounding terrain and store them for any future use. Being able to have such detailed maps instantly with the formation of troops on it helps her even in the midst of battle to form and re-form strategies accurately. Run by a small projector that she carries with her and clips into her hands when needed.

Preferred Weapons and Fighting Techniques: She favors long range weapons and is a crack shot with a sniper when she is needed to. But if forced into close combat, she will take a sword over a dagger or her fists.

AI: Lambda was Alpha's sex drive, which inturn drives Rhode around the bend with its wanting. Her constant stream of vulgar commentary meant that Rhode, who had been fairly evenly tempered, became sharper out of sheer sexual frustration that Lambda brought about in her. While Rhode had always defined herself as Heterosexual with no more thought and never particularly lacking in offers, Lambda's addition stripped away all pretense of a preference or the usual prohibition people showed, making sex a weekly need. As far as the AI was concerned, male, female, young, old, kinking, pure -- they were all fair game and fair partners.

When she explained the effects of Lambda to the Councillor they offered to reassign it, but Rhode refused because she knew that on a person with less self restraint would be dangerous, especially if given to a man. That and Lambda's constant assessing of everyone around her if only in a sexual way meant that she was constantly aware of her peers strengths and their abilities, because as she would find out, the way they had sex was close enough to how they did battle. That and Lambda kept a perfect recall of practically anyone they slept with, or spent time with.

Lambda projects as a red figure, female, but with little definition, more like a smoke. Is called Lamma by Rhode. Female deep breathy voice that sounds more suited to a phone sex operator then a AI in a military program. It also leaves Rhode sensitive to touch, as Lambda constantly reminds her of how much she wants it, thus making Rhode refuse to be in close contact with others as to keep whatever professionalism and reputation she has left.

Back story: Rhode's childhood was spent in far too many places, the second eldest of four siblings with their mother constantly working in whatever job that she had got in the new town, learning at school the basics of reading, writing and mathematics. She met her father only the once, which is where learned he has been stationed in Belarus as the reason for meeting her mother, decided that she would follow in his footsteps, as she couldn't stand her Mother's Gypsy lifestyle for herself.

After serving in the Freelancer Project and the semi-constant stream of lust she was being fed from her AI, she began to lash out violently at anyone that touched her (to cover the reactions she was getting). As well as scarcely spending time out of her armor so that she wouldn't be touched on her bare skin that often. Feeling constantly humiliated by Lambda but desperate to succeed, she threw herself into her work. But it backfired spectacularly when one night she made the mistake of drinking with Wyoming and some other Agents when her will power cracked, more or less threw herself at him. After the mocking she received for that, she vowed to find other ways of dealing with it, because despite the cat calls she got for the incident, Lamma had retreated to a distant purring of satisfaction for at least a week.

Rhode met with the Councillor and explained the problems with Lamma, he offered to remove it. But the thought of the AI with another person with even an inch less self control, especially a man, would be disastrous. Privately deeming that she was the only person that Lamma was safe with, she promised that no one else would have it, sure that it would send everyone else into a pit of depravity. She said she would find a way around the worst of Lamma's lusts and as such, began to find regular partners, never bothering to explain her problem. It did however mellow out her temper somewhere close to where it was before the program. However it got her a reputation of a unemotional skank with no standards, though if she'd been asked, she would protested that the men and women she slept with were all clean at least. But after a particular dig at her "honor" by Tex, there was a incredibly short angry fist fight which Tex walked away from it mostly intact. Rhode was left feeling somewhat turned on but mostly in pain.

Dragging herself away humiliated and frustrated both sexually and that she had let Tex get to her, she was found by York, who first out of everyone bothered to ask why. When she explained, he didn't judge her, maintained that he never really had, and if she wanted, yeah sure he would have sex with her regularly and not speak of it. Delta supplied, logically, that it would be in everyones best interest that one of Chief Strategists for missions was in a calmer frame of mind. York supplied, that 'Hey, free sex that was going to help him live? Win-win'.

The arrangement made it much easier to be in base again, however it wasn't till soon after that the project began to fall apart and York went AWOL that she realized that it was no longer safe there. When Washington who she had a sort-of friendship with enough that she'd only slept with him twice, had Epsilon die in his head, and Tex tried to break in and find the Alpha, the deletions of AI began, and Rhode decided that it was high time she got the hell out, because in her own way she got attached to Lamma and didn't think the AI deserved deletion, when it had saved her more times then she cared to count.

She tried to find York, and failed. Then to her ever hatred, took up the Gypsy lifestyle she has scorned her mother for, jumping from town to town, never hanging around for too long for fear of discovery. At one point she ran into Washington who had become a Recovery Agent, healthier then she remembered him last, threatened to take her in, she pleaded and explained all about Lamma and how bad it would be if anyone else had it. Washington seeing her logic, reported her dead. She vowed to pay him back.

After two years she finally found York, who explained that he had been contacted by Tex and that he guessed he was probably going to die soon anyway. He wasn't interested in her help though she offered, instead she tracked them, checked after Tex with Wyoming to find him dead. Then when Washington appeared to answer the recovery beacon, began tracking him instead. When South shot him and the Meta left, she did what she could to prevent him from dying and did what she could to save him. Taking him to the nearest Freelancer base so that he could get the help he needed. He in return told her of Epsilon, the memories that he had inherited and all that had happened to the Alpha.

Angered beyond belief at The Director's actions and all that had happened, she went to the UNSC to do what she did best, schemed. She could guess what Washington would do, enough that he wouldn't give up. So she arranged a meeting with the Chairman and explained to him enough, and what to look out for. She planted the suspicion and changed the rules of the field that The Director had had been playing on for so long. The Chairman treated her with some suspicion but seriously enough that when the reports of Outpost 17-B came back along with the short and terse replies of The Director he launched a full investigation,  at which point she quietly she slunk back into the shadows. From there she kept watch but knowing now it was all down to The Director and The Chairman, safe in the hope she had some degree helped revenge York by assisting Washington as the will that she held for so long with Lamma began to crack with when she needed the control most.

After setting those wheels in motion she tried to catch up with Washington to tell him, but her head filled with Lamma's pitiful moaning and wanton lust at not having a lover for over four months, she made a fatal mistake in her calculations of where Wash would be and ended up face to face with the Meta instead. Rather then give herself and Lambda to it, she ran. Analyzing that she could not encounter the Meta and win, she set her armor to detonate five seconds after death, found the nearest cliff  that had a river below and shot herself right at the edge. As she fell back and off down to the river, the armor exploded per her the detonation settings, ensuring whatever survived the explosion semi intact would not survive the water below, especially not a AI.

Theme Song: The Darkness by The Cat Empire. (The right mix, of war, lust, driving beyond almost all reason and the Gypsyness that I named Rhode for.)

Quotes: "I can't force you to do anything, no. But I can give you odds. Odds are that you'll live longer if you listen to me. So it's your choice, really."
"Yeah well odds are you are just lying"
"Your funeral."

oc, spamage, redvsblue

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