
Sep 01, 2010 13:10

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree, 
Merry, merry King of the Bush is he
Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh
Kookaburra gay your life must be.
~ Generic Rhyme Thingy

So yeah, took these photos ages ago. These bastards are evil. They have big pointy beaks that clack, tiny scheming eyes and they. want. your. bacon. Could you get more evil? Basically, my family tends to eat bacon on the deck in summer. They figured this out and wait for us and assume that every time we sit out there, it means bacon time. YER WELL ITS NOT, you scary birds. So we were just casually enjoying out breakfast, when this guy flew in, I ran back to get the camera and anyone who is interested in Australian wildlife/birdlife can enjoy it also. It was raining a lot that day, as you can tell by his wet little fro~ brbilostaneye.

Mum also grew those tomatoes herself, just so you know.

This is the face of pure evil


You think I am cute, and then I STEAL YOUR BACON.

birdy, lolz, evulz, how silly

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