So today sucks. I got "dumped" (I can't see I didn't see it coming, I had disappeared off the face of the earth for the better of two months, of course he was going to fine someone that was a better suited to him, because... well I could stand here listing reasons, but we weren't just... right). It wasn't really a relationship and I've more or less disappeared off the face of the earth for the better part of the last two months, it makes sense. But it stings and just makes me feel lonely.
Oh and that guy, ya know that one that I freaked out about dying. Yeah,
that guy. I tried talking to him again. All I swear to god did was be myself, was that so bad? And apparently I was a total bitch and he never wants to speak to me again, which he said, in not so many words.
This was all today and I feel so tired and used up.
Sorry to angst at you, but I am just so blah at the moment. I feel like crying but I can't. I need to write something. Anything at all.
On the plus side, I have a photoshoot for next week. Ttly, rad right?
Fic is coming, I promises. Lots of Fic... I have... three! Threeeee~! Started.