Mar 27, 2010 13:05
So its been a really long time since I actually posted anything on here. I've had another few photoshoots go and pass. I really love my costuming, so, it seems to take up all my time these days.
Also I am going on a trip to Asia soon.
I've also decided to join the Federal Police Force. Hopefully. It means getting fit, and I plan on learning... as many languages as I can. It is going to be a long process, but it my plan. There is some stuff I want to get out of the way first. But. butbutbut. Where was I again? Ahright, my plans.
I've decided to quit my job in the sense that I told my bosses, I don't plan on coming back from my holiday to them at least. They were nice people, and it was something to do for a year roughly, but no more plz. It has taught me a lot with just grinning and bearing people's stupidity.
Now as for ficcing~ Which is what I know what MOST people I know are reading this for. I have some odd news, recently a lady that I am sure a few of the SasuHina shippers will know, Bullwinkle's Lady despite our past differences asking about Hardwire. I explained I'd deleted it, mainly cause I couldn't fix all the plot holes and I couldn't see them all. So she's agreed to go through and point out where she thinks the major holes are and then we think up solutions for them. This will all be done after I get back from my GLORIOUS holiday~
That is all my news lately, I plan on trying to keep up with this a lot more and actually posting more interesting things on here. :3