Jun 30, 2009 08:35
Situation: my Aunt is over. (Or was, rather)
Complication: My Aunt and Mother have had fights and more then sibling fights (or maybe it is, its not like any sibling fighting I've seen). Mum is a very... abrasive personality. My Aunt demands to be treated otherwise, mum doesnt even realise what she's doing and felt like nothing she did was good enough cause Aunt always had objections. They are both in the wrong, Aunt for not being tolerant and Mum for not listening.
Futher implications: We may be cut off from the rest of the family. Though hopefully not. I like my cousins. They've always been really good to me.
Immediate situation: My Aunt left this morning, refusing to speak to my mother even though my Mother begged. Not speaking in my family is the. final. insult.
wait let me that clearer.
Other stuff: I worried that I am being biased towards Mum, as ya know she's my mother. But truth be told, I was a little annoyed with my Aunt because she seemed to think that just because I was lazy and didn't like doing stuff for myself I am lacking in certain aspects of independence for people my age, I don't apparently have any idea and are just conditioned to it. No, I have my own plan, plsthnxbai, and it bugs me that you don't think I DONT THINK for myself, when I evidently do, and I just can't be effed fighting over it with Mum, I've got other things to worry about at this point in time. I have to figure out how to end the worlds suffering, my own can wait.
Resolution: I don't know yet, this might sort itself out, hopefully. Otherwise, we are just going to have to deal. If we get cut off from rest of family, so fucking be it, if not? That's good to. My family has not spoken to us that much anyway, we were always outcasts as it was. I can deal, I am just worried mum can't.