May 31, 2004 17:05
To my surprise, i was called into work today. This is good because i had very few productive plans for the day, and even though i have gotten just as little accomplished.. i made a little cash doing it.
My day consists of trying to find things to do.
10:00 am I unloaded 3 boxes of stuff and put it away.
11:00 talked with nadene and her son coden. he drew pictures and hung them all over the office.
11:30 read some of nadene's book. came to the realization that carol sheilds is a boring author.
played various computer games includeing jepoardy and crossword challenge. Came to the realization i would lose a lot of money on jeapordy.
1:30 went and got lunch from booster juice.
and ate it
played piano,
checked email.
played guitar
checked live journal.
played jaw harp (they are new, it is exciting)
3:30 visited with sean and ryan.
looked up useless junk on ebay.
almost bought useless junk on ebay.
played piano.
answered phones..
told police where they could find a stolen flute some folks tried to sell to us today.
talked to police man and trietd to identify them... weird.
instead of calling them a native couple, i just said they had my colouring.
5:30- time to go.