May 17, 2004 17:12
the time on the computer was wrong. I was not drunk before 5 pm ryan. it was more like 6:30 pm.
but thank you for noticing.
Speaking of which.... Have you noticed an extreme version of the Asian Glow in Taiwan, or have you been boozing much with the locals?
It is very nice to be able to ask myself the following question.
what should i do tonight?
- i have no homework, no lessons to teach, no responsibilites, no friends to see, no laundry to do, things to clean, shows to watch.
i believe i will do some origami and write a letter to my dear friend kristel who is living in a tent in B.C.
yes, that is what i shall do.
and make some banana muffins for Clayton and Glenda because they like them.
bananas, ewww.
banana muffins, mmmm.