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Oct 18, 2007 14:56

Fall break.

The most remarkable bit was probably the food.  It made me sick.  I brought a small plastic bag of Tums with me to Mississippi and finished it Monday night.  I am unused to so much meat and fried foods and sauces and sugar.  I felt like I spent a lot of time heckling.

Brittany brought us to a few parties.  The locals found me amusing and stylish, which surprised me.

Luke.  He was glad to be home.  He loves his parents and is very comfortable with them.  I am constantly surprised that he hasn't always been, and in a month and a half we'll have known each other a year.  He feels like another lobe in my brain, sometimes; a lobe I show a strong preference for over other lobes.  Better than Brocha's area.  Silly.

He and Brittany are very good friends.  She's going to move here in May, and if she does, we'll room together.  I need to go job hunting again and save money for furniture and a few months' rent.  She got an IKEA catalogue and has been furniture-admiring for the last few weeks.  I am daunted by the idea of buying furniture new, but it isn't too terribly expensive and Britters has the big bucks.

We spent the car trip (11+ hours down, 11+ hours back) talking.  We've developed the Nietzsche's Pizza idea, and have actually come up with names for over ten pies, including two vegan pizzas -- Ecce Hummus (a hummus sauce topped with veggies), and No Eggs-it (a bit more general vegan pie).  Others include Rosemary and Guildenstern are Dead, Waiting for Gouda, Thus Ate Zarathustra, the Fall-afel, The Absurd (which has a ridiculous amount of toppings), Either/Or (one half veggie, one half meats), and Sartre's Suicide (a completely meat lovers' pizza).  Waiters will wear Nietzsche's Pizza t-shirts, tweed sport coats, and optional false moustaches.  We want Brittany to design menus, advertisements, and all other graphic paraphernalia, Martin as general manager, and if we could pick a financial backer, Djak would be the man.

Where would one put an existentialist pizzeria?
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