Oct 11, 2009 14:59
[The feed clicks on showing a room containing three beds. The bed nearest to the PCD contains Manjyome, who's still fast asleep, wearing his usual earplugs, therefore totally oblivious to his surroundings.
The room is already lit with sunlight streaming in through the translucent curtains. It's past noon and really bright.
Suddenly Manjyome begins to shift and stretch, apperantly waking up. When he opens his eyes, rubs them and blinks, he looks very confused indeed.
Just ... why is he not in his room anymore?
He looks about the room, sitting on the edge of his bed.
He begins to have a certain well known feeling. He knows this situation. But when he speaks to himself, he speaks not as quietly as he maybe should have, considering that he has no clue who he's sharing with here.]
What the hell ...?
This can't ... but ...
This is ... a dormitory ...
[He frees his ears from the plugs, places them on the bedside cabinet, next to his bed and almost falls across a rather large trunk, places next to his bed. He opens it to find neatly folded clothes inside.]
This has to be a joke.
And it's not funny ...
[The feed ends with a sigh of Manjyome's.]
*event: welcome to the dorm!,
want my bed and sleep,