... RIP ...

May 24, 2013 11:35

It was the year 2000 or so; I was 18 or 19 years old. Or so. I think. I was young and stupid and really did not want to be pregnant. At all.

I was home from college for one of the breaks, and it was, conveniently, time for my annual check up. I came into my doctor's office, told him I was late, that I needed a pregnancy test, and he could tell that I was kinda freaking out. Ten minutes later he returned to the exam room, where I was sitting with my head in my hands, shaking a little, and waiting for my life to change forever. He patted me on the head and said "Relax. You are not pregnant."

A couple of weeks later my dad saw "Pregnancy Test" on the insurance summary, and it was his turn to kinda freak out. I don't remember how, but my mom covered for me, said it was a routine test, blah blah blah. It blew over.

Sometimes, when you are 18 and irresponsible, all you need is someone to pat you on the head and say "Relax." Dr. Gradwohl did that... just when I needed it.

We forget a lot of things people do for us, we forget the evil and the endless kindness. We keep moving, shuffling negative experiences aside, and sometimes not valuing the kind ones. He has not been my doctor for many years, for a couple more scares, and for all the insane injuries I endured in my twenties. Though he probably didn't remember that fifteen minute appointment in 2000, I will remember him and that moment forever. And now, sadly, I will never be able to come and tell him "Relax. I am finally pregnant."

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