On aging, part II

Oct 04, 2011 18:24

It absolutely rules being grown up!

I mean, I am an irresponsible child in many many ways, and I love that too. I still run out of money occasionally and call my dad whining for help, I have bad credit history, few savings, and a killer wine and cheese shopping habit. I drink and smoke too much, do not get enough sleep, and do a very bad job of taking care of myself. I hate washing the floor and thus do not do it, I let dishes sit for more than 24 hours, I do not dust or vacuum nearly enough for my own comfort. So generally, I am a financially irresponsible slob with outward obsessive tendencies and an unofficial drinking problem. And I eat sweets after six pm. And usually suffer from at least one injury due to running around in the woods.

I also have an opinion on everything, a portion of which are actually educated ones, and occasionally spew some wisdom.

But, getting back to our goats, being grown up totally rules! You stop, for the most part, with innuendos, you are not afraid to ask or say things straight up, you are basically rid of the majority of your teenage and early 20's insecurities, and do not yet have the mid-life crisis doubts. The system is not perfect, you still slip into idiocy and silence occasionally, but when it works, when your slowly acquired wisdom is not reigned in by whatever insecurity happens to flare up that moment, it's freaking amazing!

Good night! Off to see the girls and be grown up and mature and not giggle or squeal at all!

вдоль дороги столбы, из жизни

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