
Nov 14, 2010 21:46

[The camera is directed towards the night sky, showing the stars and the two moons of Fortuna. It pans around slowly to capture a bit more, giving the viewer enough time to take everything in. Then little hands turn it around to show a little face.

River looks much calmer than she has been for quite some time now. Her hair has been brushed and her face and dress are clean, and she looks as healthy as one can in a place like Discedo. She's also not at her usual haunt of Marshall, judging by the height of the roof she's on.

She sets the communicator down against the ledge, then settles herself in front of it. There's a pause, a gathering of thoughts, before she begins.]

Dear Simon,

This is a place we called home. You won't remember it. No one does when they go back. Some of them don't want to remember. It's an interruption, coming here. It makes our lives hard. [pause.] Moreso when we keep on losing.

[She looks into the camera to send this next part.]

No coordinate maps or distinguishable markers. But my equipment is minimal. It shouldn't be hard to pinpoint something on your end.

Waves travel through space easier than people. They don't need ships or food or oxygen. Just openness. So you should find this.

[The girl reaches over, to touch the tiny lens almost tenderly, as though it was the face of a loved one.]

I'll wait here. Don't take too long.

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