
May 26, 2009 02:52

I see it all now.

You, hiding. Hiding your secrets...keeping things all bottled up, all lock and key. Under the bed and they won't find it, they won't know and you'll be SAFE.

Have to keep yourself safe. Some things should never come out. I know. I know, but you didn't hide them enough, you didn't hide them, and it's your fault you gorram monsters. You GORRAM gŏu cào de...

[her tirade falters for a moment, quiets. False serenity.]

You lied to us. You lied and you're lying, you're a liar, filthy FILTHY.

My daddy used to tell me there were no honest lawyers and HE WAS RIGHT, he was right, Manaka.

And YOU, you keeping their secrets, they're THEIRS, what are you doing with them. She comes back to haunt you again and AGAIN and AGAIN, little red-headed witch, poisonous.

[the girl suddenly bursts into hysterical laughter.]

Red-head....gingerheaded girls. Betrayer. Betrayed. Color like blood.

A star.

It marks you.

Starlight, starbright, you wish upon a star...

[dazed, dreamy.]

Think you're the fake one now. He's been here. They know who HE is. Maybe he's the better one.

[a breath.]

And you...you're not even a real person. Just.


[she giggles breathlessly and the transmission cuts off.]

[ooc: OKAY WOO ITS SHOWTIME. Everyone who posted on the plot post will be included in the event (THATS LIKE 30 PEOPLE WOOOO), and if you would like to be involved over the long-tern, please post here! This is tons of fun for meh and hopefully for everyone else too. XD More secrets revealed tomorrow in DISCEDO: EXTRA CRAZY VERSION.

The following have signed up but not told me secrets, please IM me or post to the permissions before the 30th: Leanne, Iji, Kadaj (REFRESH ME BB), Killer (UNLESS THAT WAS HIS ONLY SECRET FF), Hayner/whoever else you'd like. Love!]

creepytiemz, ident: tidus, its crazy time!, ident: ryou naruse, this is kal's fault she said more crazy, ident: esther blanchett, ....wat, ident: riku, ident: phoenix wright, does not approve, oshi -, insightful river is insightful

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