Jun 03, 2005 16:11
+ Known as: Ashley,Ash,
+ Lives in: Madison Heights the ghetto lmao
+ Birthday: October 25, 1990
+ School: Lamphere High School
+ Shoe size: 8 1/2
+ Hair color: DIRTY blonde lol
+ Eye color: Brown
+ Style: Casual
*Have you ever...*
+ Cheated on someone?: No
+ Been Cheated on?: No
+ Fallen off the bed?: Yea lots of times when i was lil once i woke up and was hangin halfway off the bed lmao
+ Had a dream come true?: no :(
+ Done something you regret?: Oh yea a lot of somethings....
+ Cheated on a test?: yea only once tho
+ Got a hickey? nope
+ Wearing?: t-shirt and jeans
+ Listening to?: 89x
+ Located?: My room
+ Chatting with?: no1s online so gay!
+ What you looking at? the computer screen.....
+ What should you REALLY be doing? Studyin for exams or cleanin my room
*Do you...*
+ Brush your teeth?: Yes um y wouldnt u?
+ Have any piercings?: Just in my ears
+ Drive?: Not yet July 25 baby woot woot!
+ Drink?: No
+ Smoke?: No
+ Got a cell?: Yup
*The last person you...*
+ Hugged?: My amaaazing cousin jaimie who just graduated :)
+ Kissed?: My cat ^_^
+ IMed?: Jenna but shes not answering!
+ Talked on the phone: Kelly
+ Yelled at?: my dog lol
+ What do you want to be when you finish college?: Psychologist or sumthing to do with decorating and design or fashion.
+ What has been the best day of your life?: Neday i had fun with my friends or family
+ What comes first in your life?: Family & Friends
+ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: yupps
+ What are you most scared of?: like a ton of stuff im a wimp lol
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed? whats happening tomoro and what happened today
+ Did you lose someone you really loved?: I lost a few family members but i didnt kno them that well
+ How many times have you fallen in love? Not sure once maybe?
+ Love your family?: Of Course!
+ Love your friends?: Duh! Couldnt live w/o them
+ Are you a virgin?: Yeah
+ Movie: Star Wars, The Notebook, Harry Potter, and a ton more
+ Song: Changes daily
+ Band/Artist: Greenday,Good Charlotte,3 Doors Down,Nirvana, and many more
+ Store: none in particular
+ Relative: All my cuzzys!
+ Sport: Tennis or Softball
+ Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate & Vanilla mix!
+ Fruit: Strawberries
+ Candy: Carmello bar!!
+ Day of the Week: Saturday!
+ Time: 10:25 PM
+ Color: Pink, Black, Orange
+ Name for a Girl: Autumn
+ Name for a Boy: Hayden
*Do you...*
+ Like to give hugs?: Yup
+ Like to give kisses?: Sumtimes
+ Like to walk in the rain?: Omg yea its so awesome indescribable!
+ Prefer black or blue pens?: blue
+ Like to travel?: Yea i wanna see the world!
+ Sleep on your side, stomach or back?: Side or stomach never back
+ Have a goldfish?: No fish are boring get a real pet!
+ Ever have the falling dream?: yup
+ Have stuffed animals?: Yup
*What do you think about...*
+ Abortion: Ur Choice
+ Suicide: Selfish
+ Smoking: dont do it you get diseases and die
+ Eating disorders: So horrible too much pressure these days
+ Summer: Yay 4 days!!
+ Tattoos: I would get one if i wasnt such a wimp about needles lol
+ Piercings? idc just the people with the stretched out ones in their ears are nasty!
*This or that?*
+ Pierced nose or tongue?: Tongue
+ MTV or BET?: MTV
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek?: Dawson's Creek
+ Sugar or salt?: sugar
+ Silver or gold?: silver
+ Chocolate or flowers?: Flowers say im sorry,Chocolate says i luv u ^_^
+ Color or Black-and-white photos?: Black and white
+ M&Ms or Skittles?: M&Ms
+ Stay up late or sleep in?: Both
+ Hot or cold?: Hot
+ Mustard or ketchup?: ketchup
+ Spring or Fall?: Fall my Bday!
+ Happy or sad?: Happy
+ Wonder or amazement?: Amazement
+ Mexican or Italian: Mexican
+ Pepsi or Coke?: Coke