From Pinkyogamuffin.. thank u extremely bored tonight..

Dec 22, 2005 23:24

1.What are you doing for Christmas?
Going out for lunch, then sitting round the house watching old cheesy movies and then family movies of me running around in my nappies.

2.What do you WISH you were doing for Christmas?
Skiing... sitting in our old house in Norway, yes yes i know i hate norway. Its the essence of it.

3.What should you be doing while you’re answering these questions?
......... erm... *pulls a blank*

4.Quote something ridiculous that your boss has said this week.
Boss like my mother or boss like my god brother? Mother: I feel that it should snow on christmas day.... (we live in a tropical country)

5.Do you like Jimmy Carr? Explain your answer fully.
Sometimes... for me... thats fully explained

6.What’s the worst job you’ve ever done?
Working as a paper pusher for my dad's company.. ridiculously stupid jobs.

7.Sofa, settee. or couch?

8.Do you like the new Scottish Parliament building?
It looks nice in pictures.... i'd have to see it for myself.

9.Who is / was your weirdest celebrity crush?
hmmmm i know cheryls!

10.Tell us about a run in you’ve had with the police.
I've had many, some cops in malaysia are sleazy, dodgy...dirty. Thanks to N one of them tried to hit on me.. he was like 40.

11.Who’s your favourite celebrity chef and why?
hmmmm don't really mind.. just as long as its not Delia like.

12.9 to 5 by Dolly Parton or 9 to 5 by Sheena Easton?

13.If you could have a miniature talking anyone to keep on your mantelpiece/in your pocket, who would it be?
My dad? he comes up with the wisest, most cynical, funniest crap ever. Plus he's like an encloypedia.

14.What is the most delicious thing in the butchers?
at the moment its lamb

15.Would you rather run a mile, jump a stile or eat a country pancake?
err....jump a stile?

16.What is your most embarrassing 'standing in dog sh*t' moment?
oooo when my lil cousin stood in it.. and then traipsed it across this guy's house (who i had a crush on) did i mention his carpet was white?

17.What was your most embarrassing exam result?
E for sociology.. especially when i was one of the higher students with an A the previous year

18.What is the lowest price for which you would sleep with Anne Widdicombe/John McCrirrick?
how about financial support for the rest of my life... HIGH STANDARD of living may i add.

19.Which part of your body do you like best?
i think my eyes, my lips?

20.And least?

21.Who would you NOT send this too?

22.Would you snog the person you had your very first kiss with if you got the chance today? (and who was it?)
ooooo eeeeee no. and errr it was bob?

23.Describe the contents of your fridge right now.
are u serious? theres a whole loada crap in there my birthday cake is taking up most of the space atm.

24.Who was the last person you had lewd and lascivious thoughts about? (Be honest now)

25.If you HAD to shag someone you work with, who would it be?
okay..ooooo.. theres this guy that helps deliver the bread around finns. He's scrummy.

26.Where have you vomited that you really shouldn’t have?
No where, i can control the vomit :D

27.How old is your oldest item of underwear?
not that old... normal old. not granny old.

28.What’s the most embarrassing song that you LOVE?
err.... the chicken little song ATM. Don't judge.. is catchy.

29.Rate your dancing from 1 to 10 (1 being lowest, 10 being highest)
i don't really know never think about it...

30.What time did you (will you) get home from your works christmas night out you dirty stopout?
erm.. its on the 24th.... so i wouldn't know.. last last year it was 6am but i was working there then.
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