Jul 04, 2009 21:41
Okay, so I'm sitting here inside in front of my computer on the 4th of July. How sad. It used to be all about fireworks and wearing red, white, and blue--I miss those days, really. Granted, growing up, Dad was never really one for fireworks. But my uncle owned a fireworks stand, so we'd often head over to watch the big 4th of July fireworks display he and my cousin Nick would put on every year. And oftentimes, Nick would bring me sparklers, which were about the only type of 'firework' I could stand to enjoy outside--I had sensitive hearing, so the louder fireworks were often too much for me. I'd have to hold my hands over my ears. Or watch safely from indoors. Okay, so I was a wuss--big deal! So why am I not watching my uncle's display, you might ask. Well, truth is, we moved, so it was too far to travel just for a late night fireworks show. And both my uncle and my cousin died (not at the same time, but not many years apart, either), which put an end to the spectacular fireworks. So now, fireworks displays are sort of a thing of the past, distant memories, if you will. I miss my cousin.
I try to catch the neighbors' displays, but they don't always come through for me. Through a bedroom window, I saw some great ones going off a little while ago, but by the time I got outside, the neighbors had stopped shooting them. I feel both sad and irritable about it. Don't they realize that I have to get my firework pleasure by living vicariously through others? I keep hearing them go off occasionally, but now I'm feeling too cynical about it to go back outside. 'Cause they'll more than likely stop by the time I get out there again. And I'll probably spend who knows how long standing outside waiting for something that might not even happen. So now I'm back indoors, trolling for SN fanfic instead of searching out more fireworks. What a bummer. Maybe next year.
random ramblings