I wanted to join in on the Shifting Sands challenge, both to keep supporting this community and to get my creative juices flowing. However, I'm not sure how well I actually fulfilled the requirements of the challenge. It relates to the "shifting sands of time", which is a nebulous connection at best, and thanks to part of the inspiration for this fic coming from a prompt on
disney_kink, it only contains a small amount of Hornblower characters. I figured I'd link to it anyway and leave it up to you to decide if it fits the requirements or not.
TITLE: Legacy.
RATING: PG just in case.
WORD COUNT: 3,670.
PAIRING, IF ANY: Small amounts of Horatio Hornblower/Captain Amelia.
SPOILER WARNING: Vague ones for both the short story "The Last Encounter" and for Alice Through the Looking Glass.
DISCLAIMER: I definitely don't own anything here.
SUMMARY/NOTES: An unexpected torch is passed.
Here's the link:
http://ioanite.livejournal.com/49905.html Hope you enjoy it, whether or not you consider it part of the challenge!