I saw this on Tumblr-- and I wanted you all to see it before it got covered up by other things.
The Signs as Georgian Navy Admirals:
Aries: Hood - you’re great, really, but somehow all people tend to remember are your fuckups.
Taurus: Cornwallis - you’re steady, reliable and hellishly judgemental. When are you going to shut up about the Battle of the Saintes?
Gemini: Hood (the other one) - people will remember you more for the way you die than the way you live. Probably because there’s not much else to tell. Get a real hobby, jfc!
Cancer: Nelson - your ambition is going to kill you, but until then why not show the peasants who’s boss?
Leo: Pellew - you are surrounded by tiny babies and you will take care of each and every one of them. Meanwhile, tact is something that happens to other people.
Virgo: Howe - it doesn’t matter how many strategic errors you make, people continue to believe in your image.
Libra: Collingwood - the eternal wingman.
Scorpio: “Old Jarvie” - you make people shit their pants in fear and you love it.
Sagittarius: Sir Sidney Smith - common peasants consider you problematic, but on the bright side you look great in a turban.
Capricorn: Hood (the other two) - there’s entirely too many of you and you’re all related.
Aquarius: Cochrane - all of the work, none of the credit. You fight for recognition, but even when POB people base popular fiction on your exploits your name shall never be mentioned.
Pisces: Troubridge - people feel like you hardly ever do anything wrong; mostly because people aren’t sure whether you do anything at all.
tatzelwyrm #nelson#age of sail 39 notes