Extremities Challenge : Archie makes a comparison

Jul 04, 2015 15:31

Archie's literature studies have accustomed him to the fact that sonnets can often benefit from turning upon a contrast of themes where the one has a,shall we say, rather warmer interpretation than the other.

So in his habit of using naval metaphor to this end, here in a sonnet he compares the hazardous task of freeing up a bowsprit which has been entangled by a torn sail with another strenuous task, but one which he infinitely prefers...
Author :Nodbear
Synopsis: Another Archie sonnet, this time for the Extremities Challenge
Word length: c110, the usual 14 lines
Rating: as ever in Archie's verse, there lurks some heat but merely suggested.

The Bowsprit

Two paths there are in my sea-going life
both in extremis lie,though far apart.
While one needs courage, skill and sailor’s knife-
the other leisure, skill in body, heart
declared and purpose- warm delight and then
still more. To go in freezing storm way out
and bowsprit from fouled canvas strip, so then
that ‘all is done!’ I may in triumph shout,
Is first.The second bears some semblance too
for in a storm I travel,hands alert
to strip, in order, all that which hampers you
From being bowsprit-proud,till I assert-
and you concur [- that ‘all is done’.This last
be oft my fate,a 'duty' unsurpassed …

Happy Birthday Horatio !

author: nodbear, rating: slash, character: archie kennedy, fanworks: poetry, pairing: hornblower/kennedy, challenge: extremities

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