Title: The Passing of an Era
Fandom/Canon: Hornblower
sharpiefanWord count: 654
Rating: U
Spoilers: Lord Hornblower (novel)
Pairing/Characters: Hornblower, Bush
Disclaimer: I don't own Hornblower or Bush; they belong to the estate of the inestimable CS Forester. I only play with them - and that on occasion - and put everything back tidily when I'm finished.
Author's Note: This was originally written for
sarlania's picture prompts challenge way back when. It is based on JMW Turner's The Fighting Temeraire - the picture is linked to from the fic itself.
Summary: He wasn't sure at first why he'd come.
The fic may be found on Dreamwidth at my fic journal, here:
http://sharpiepen.dreamwidth.org/931.htmlI also have it up on the AO3 here:
http://archiveofourown.org/works/315445 Note to the mods: I apologise for not tagging this entry but it seems that LJ does not let OpenIDs tag anything (I've tried several times before in other comms with no success; the tags simply don't show up.)