We have a winner! Well kinda...That has got to be the most inconclusive Caption Competitions ever to to grace
following_Sea. You are all either equally witty, or equally indecisive! Anyway, without further ado, in joint first place, with three points each we have:
josieb1's hubby with: "Well Mr Hornblower, when I said a rod of Iron I meant something more substantial than that"
The inimitable
naomi1642 with: Wellard had often secretly wanted to head-butt Hornblower, but he'd never guessed Bush would be the one to actually try it.
And in joint second place with two points each we have:
josieb1 herself with: "Just what is Mr Kennedy doing down there?"
esmerelda_t with: Don't worry Mr. Hornblower, I've got some cream that will clear that rash right up, I suggest you give Mr. Kennedy some too.
nodbear with: Bush - have I got all the glitter out ? HH - You have but you should really have restrained Wellard with the Grecian 2000
naomi1642 with: "Your night ashore appears to have been an enjoyable experience, Mr Bush. I wish the same could be said of standing in vomit-soaked shoes."
naomi1642 again with: After a night's heavy drinking, the shining beacon of Horatio's heroic virtue was too bright for Bush's addled eyes.
Sheesh! Make your mind up guys!