Awkward Story Time!

Feb 11, 2011 17:35

anteros_lmc 's brilliant discovery of Hornblower study guides made me think back to when I first fell in love with Hornblower, especially Horatio. Little did I know that I was destined to become a Ioanite as well.

Anyway, some of those discussion questions and activities reminded me of some of my early fangirl squeeing. Since I can now look back and laugh, I decided to share.

1. In an attempt to explain the show to a friend, I once declared "In Revolutionary War Terms, the British are the Americans and the French are the British." She got what I meant, but it was probably the weirdest summary ever. It was also the first time I blamed Ioan-based hormones on some of the stuff that tumbled out of my mouth.

2. During a descriptive writing exercise, we were given a series of prompts, one of which was "I met the guy/girl of my dreams last summer. He/She was Hot." So I wrote on Ioan without actually naming him. I was reading it out loud to my study group, and gradually realized that the entire room was listening to me. When the teacher asked what everyone liked about my passage, one guy raised his hand and said "The shameless description." I was simultaneously proud and embarrassed.

3. Hornblower was my first serious attempt at Fanfiction, and I am ashamed to admit that it featured a Mary Sue. It is, however, notable for the spin-off I wrote after the second series came out, where the Mary Sue was horrified by Horatio's shower scene and decided to take all her clothes off to see how he liked it (she also barked out "I'll see you in my quarters tonight!", but not for the reason you're thinking). Yeah, I didn't think that one through  (I blame the hormones).

So the purpose of this post is...does anyone else have any funny or embarrassing stories to tell about how they fangirled over the series, especially early on? I'd really like to know that it wasn't just me.

discussion: general, discussion: question, discussion: other

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