Sorry that there has been a hiatus in recs for a week or so, but life has caught up with me somewhat lately.
However here is a bumper selection to finish my month of duty!( not very arduous duty)
Two Horatio Archie stories and a book verse Bush/Horatio one and some music and another historical treasure make up this list.
Recs beneath cut
First up the two H/A stories -these are very different in style from one another but equally enjoyable if the boys are your thing.
the_dala wrote Portrait of the artist as a young man which is a romp set on an early shore leave for Archie and Horatio after Ferrol when they don't really get out of their room very much. it is both sweet and joyous and serious in its own way.The story is found
here the second is Drawing by elke tanzer and is found
hereVery enjoyable and fun.
It is postcoital Archie up to something fond and silly - and as
anteros_lmc is wont to say there can never be enough postcoital Archie and Horatio.
However for those of you for whom that is not the case - or even if it is - my last fic rec is a Bush bookverse one
It is
rach74 story Tactics of desperation and stands in the literary space between Flying Colours and Commodore Hornblower and deals with Bush set ashore to serve in Sheerness dockyard afraid he will never get to sea again. It is very well written and is a take on the characters I admire for its inner consistency.The story is found
here Some music to recommend and that is the CD from England's shore with songs anmd ballads sung by David Jones, a British singer now based in the New York/new Jersey area. The songs include the magnificent we have fed our seas which
kittycallum used in her most recent vid, and also a very poignant second world war song Normandy Orchards looking at the training camp and the young men dancing with local girls to the village hall band - "thousands of young men all learning to die".
there are many sites on the net whuch have it for sale/download including
this one And finally another sea novel but with an antiquarian element - another gem from the
internet archiveIt is The naval lieutenant and has the combined merits/demerits of being high -victorian ( written in 1865 by F Claudius Armstrong) featuring some familiar names ( Yes, indeed , Pellew being one of them - you thought I was actually going to get though a post this long without one mention of the admiral ?) and familiar incidents like the wrecking of the Amazon and the Droits de l'homme.
Subtitled " a nautical romance " readers should not get carried away - this is romance in ist general usage = but for a bit of Victorian fanfic about the age of sail it is worth a browse.
Most of all because it almost begins with the phrase " it was a dark and stormy night"...Huzzah for the best cliches...
The novel may be downloaded at the archive at
this page Hope some of this proves useful - have fun!