Went to see "House of Desires" at L-S (my high school) last night. It was Bill Plott's last production and will be the subject of a forth-coming documentary produced by
my father*. It was a fairly well done and in the usual Plott style, though the musical performances were a little weak and teaching high school kids to tango is apparently pretty tough. The standout performances were coincidentally by the two members of the cast I knew, Darcy's younger brother and Michael Wright. The latter of the two, I remembered halfway through the show, I used to babysit. Two weeks before my 24th birthday, this spurred quite a shocking revelation: I'm OLD. My sister told me i'd be the really creepy old guy if i showed up at the cast party. This is all very distressing.
Nevertheless, I will feign plenty of enthusiasm in two weeks. Come over May 20th for much
The school itself is very impressive. There are some reproductions of the murals on the walls (though jess and I wondered why) and other mementos from the old school. It was interesting to see some of the professors teachers offices. Mr. James is head of the History department now, or at least has the swanky corner office. Jess ran into some friends from her year**. It was nice to reminisce and encouraging to see what millions of sudbury tax dollars can produce. Walking around the outside of the school is still surreal. The concrete patio infront of the old entrance is still there, but now it leads to a parking lot. Weird.
*As Bill Plott explained, dad "is having a very interesting mid-life crisis. most men just buy a porsche and chase younger women. he's making movies. that's cool." Oh, and if you want a copy the documentary, let me know.
**Other standouts in attendance: jovial-as-ever mrs. plott, Kim (the crazy filmmaker who works with/worships my dad), the always-present john mcmahon, members of the L-S rugby team (**shakes fist**), mr. newton (seen but not approached at jess' request), mrs. frommer (seen but awkwardly avoided), and
chris evan's mom.