Nov 18, 2007 11:43
something Ron Paul would run, and run well. But he will not. We cannot aford he view on Goverment.
This is because, We as a nation cannot read.
We as a nation do not think, I am unsure if we can think.
We as a nation have too many rivals that will out pase us in Information, long before the riots his goverment would cause would lead to a better state of being.
I would love to live in a state of Liberty. I know of few that even know what that means, and most of you that do seem to suport Ron Paul.
But what is going to happen when over a 3rd of America is out of worK?
When people no longer have to have Insurance, so They don't buy it not relising that it is what keep there life save and secure and nice all the time.
When the risk of life is left to the indevidual, to much damage is done and repairing the damage herts the economy to much. But people cannot get into isurance that is bussnuss, because by it nature it sould be about spending money for the well being of everyone in a community, without regard of the contract holder himself, that the idea of legal nit picking to save money is a problem.
If the fedral goverment was in carge of insurance of all kind in my idea. Then if someting brakes it get fixed. If someone if hurt they get taken care of. The cost of such a thing can be included in taxes, people hate taxes yes, but if your property tax also worked as insurance for any desater including acts of God, for anyting you had a resete proving you paid tax on the items, your home, Car, things puched at the store( to a lesser extent). And your ability to work. That is the point of Heath care. If you would like Heath care after you are working you should have to pay for that out of saving or some sort of plain or system you paid into earlyer in life. And if you did not do so, your children can suport you. or you should die because your cotrobution is being out weighted by your cost at that point.
I feel that retiroment and modern life saving tecknic is destorying our way of life more that anything else.
I would like persons thoughts on this. Or comments please I need something to think about.