89: the_lucky13 24.2

Oct 22, 2008 13:43

Thirteen things you love about your significant other.

I only get thirteen? How am I supposed to narrow it down to thirteen? That's like short-changing him. There are so many good things about him...

Oh, okay, fine. I'll try.

01. He's a great teacher. I've learned more from him about everything from case work to common sense than I have from anyone else. I still learn from him every day.

02. He plays by the rules and stands for the same things just like I do. It's comforting to know someone shares your belief system and you can depend on them.

03. He's always looking at me and listening when I'm talking to him. I know he's paying attention to everything that I say and he actually cares what I'm talking about.

04. Whatever I do, even if I fail, he's there for me. Enough said.

05. We do everything together, whether it's something we both love or something one of us can't stand. I pretend like I understand what NASCAR is and he helps me pick out clothes. But we're a team in every sense of the word.

06. He's a romantic. He holds the doors, pulls out the chairs, asks me how my day is. And he does it all without it threatening the fact that he's still equally as manly and tough when he wants to be.

07. I know that we know everything there is to know about each other.

08. How he knows what I want or need or feel without me even having to say anything sometimes. He just knows me probably better than I know myself. It works wonders when I can't find the words to tell him something.

09. He shares my love of baseball. Coming from a baseball family, and being an Orioles season ticket holder since 1988, that's kind of a must. I spend half my summer at work and the other half at Camden Yards. There's nothing else. It's a little bit freaky.

10. He has a sense of style. The man knows how to dress himself. I ought to start just letting him dress me, I'd probably look better.

11. He's always been a gentleman. Always being gentle and understanding with me even when I've gone to pieces. We rarely argue. I don't think I've ever raised my voice to him or vice versa. And he understands that I like to take things slow, take things easy.

12. He definitely knows how to kiss me. I've never felt anything like it before.

13. He's been there for almost everything important in my life and I know he'll be here for the rest of it.

Muse: Stark Patrick
Fandom: The X-Files (OC)
Words: 424

the_lucky13, time: post-canon

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