58 : c_masterminds Springboard 22

Aug 22, 2008 12:02

If you weren't doing the job you're currently doing, where would you be? What would you be doing? Do you have any dreams for yourself that never came to pass?

In an alternate universe, apparently I'd be engaged to John. Then Erwin Lukesh would shoot him and paralyze him for the rest of his life, at least until Monica turns up and tells us this is all some parallel universe and convinces him I should pull the plug.

I suppose if you really want to take things to their conclusions, I could have gone on to be the first female baseball player. I could be the starting shortstop for the Baltimore Orioles with my brother behind the plate. I'd make them forget about Miguel Tejada. I'd be trying to break Ripken's consecutive games played record, while hoping to pace the league in stolen bases. I'd be a contact hitter. Maybe I'd get to chat with Josh Hamilton while he was standing on second base.

Or I could have been an Olympian. I could've foregone my career for a sport I really didn't like all that much and I could be in Beijing right now botching a relay handoff or whatever it is the women's track team is doing.

Woulda, coulda, shoulda.

I only ran track because I was good at it, not necessarily because I loved it. That's why I didn't go to the Olympic trials. I'm the wrong gender to play professional baseball, and my brother hurt himself in Double-A, which is why he became a scout instead. That's before you factor my dad's influence into the mix. No, there was only one real path for me in my life and I'm still on it. Tell me where John is, and that's where I'll be.

There have been some very screwed up things that have happened along the way. The Haber shooting will never be one of my best moments. Nor will having a gun put to my head. Or when my partner died and then came back. Or having to see Mulder vanish without a trace. Spending days in the hospital thanks to Knowle Rohrer. In fact, there's a lot of bad that came with working on the X-Files. I never felt so confused or so scared.

But I also never felt more alive.

Muse: Stark Patrick
Fandom: The X-Files (OC)
Words: 358

time: post-canon, c_masterminds

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